2009年7月11日 星期六

Studio Classroom- July 11- Emma Roberts

【Grammar on the Go】
  • 本日討論例句:
    Then in 2007, she played her biggest role yet - teenage detective Nancy Drew...
  • "yet" means "at this time"; "up to the present"
    - "yet" doesn't always have to be used with negative [比] not yet
    - "yet" can be used to describe how something is up to now
  • = Then in 2007, she played her biggest role up to now - teenage detective Nancy Drew...
  • ex:
    1. Last week, the Thompson family received the best news yet - Mrs. Thompson's test results showed that she does not have cancer.
    2. Stanley ate 40 hotdogs in ten minutes at the school carnival; this is the school's fastest record yet.

【Chat Room】

  • 今日討論重點:homeschool (~, who has been homeschooled most of her life, ~)
  • homschool n./v. 在家教育
  • [比] brick-and-mortar school 實質的,有教育場所的學校
  • brick: 磚頭;mortar: 水泥跟沙的混合物,所以brick-and-mortar 意即"實質的"
  • brick-and-mortar stores 實體店鋪(常與網路商店online或虛擬商店future作為區分)
  • 美國的National Spelling Bee(全國英文拼字比賽)多年winner常是homeschoolers

【Language Tips】

  1. version n. 版本,形式(例句1-2);對一件事情的說法(例句3)
    1. The lastest version of this computer game is already out of stock(缺貨).
    2. The Chinese version of this novel will be published in September.
    3. David's version of the quarrel is completely different from his wife's.
  2. [idiom] hit the books 為了考試趕快K書之意
    1. Tomorrow is the final exam. I need to go home and hit the books now.
    2. Since Diane stayed up hitting the books all night last night, she looks really tired today.
  3. heir n. 後嗣,繼承人
    ex: The royal couple has been married for 10 years but still have no heir to the throne.
    ※heir to~ 繼承某地位或財產
    ex: Eric is heir to this large estate in Wales. Eric 是這個座落在威爾斯的廣大土地的繼承人
