2009年7月13日 星期一

Studio Classroom- July 13- [Animal Tales] Bucket of Berries

【Chat Room】
  • bucket 水桶
  • basket 籃子
  • [idiom] a drop in the bucket 字面意義是桶裡的一滴水,意即杯水車薪,數量較少之意
    ex: the funding for research is just a drop in the bucket 在研究上的經費微不足道
  • [俚語] kick the bucket 字面意義是踢水桶,意即翹辨子了,是個俚語的用法
  • basket case 指某人處於一種很無助,身心俱疲的狀態;也可以指很窮的國家,或是即將倒閉的企業

【Language Tips】

  1. patch n. 一小塊田地;補釘,補片(例句3)
    1. a vegetable patch 種青菜的田
    2. The tomato patch in our backyard was ruined by our neighbor's dog.
    3. The patch on the little boy's pants is so obvious.
  2. take along v.phr. 帶著;隨身攜帶某人或某事物
    1. Don't forget to take along your belongings with you when you leave the bus.
    2. Terry took along his girlfriend to the company's banquet.
  3. take on v.phr. 挑戰,較量
    1. The bully at the school always hits Sean, so today Sean finally took him on.
    2. Our basketball team will take on the state champion tonight.
