2009年7月10日 星期五

Studio Classroom- July 10- Emma Roberts

【Chat Room】
  • 本日討論重點:actress & actor
  • the suffix-ess: means female
  • 但由於女性主意抬頭,許多-ess慣用語都已改用"gender-neutral"terms 性別中立的辭語
  • gender-neutral terms for those words:
    waitress → server
    stewardess 空中小姐 → flight attendant 空服員
    policeman & policewoman → police officer
  • 而本文為何actress及actor並用?
    而本文"one of the first adolescent actors"中的actor為男女適用的,指廣意的所有青少年演員

【Language Tips】

  1. nominate v. 提名,推薦 (被提名人:nominee)
    (nominate for/as~ 被提名擔任某職位)
    1. Sandra was nominated for the chairperson of the committee(委員會的主席)
    2. We nominated Paul as the leader of our study group.
  2. [idiom]in one's blood 來自家傳的天賦
    (blood 指血統,家世)
    = run in one's blood (例句2)
    1. Goffery has singing in his blood. His father is a famous tentor(男高音).
    2. Many of Frankie's family are good at math. It runs in the family.
  3. alongside prep. 在某對象的旁邊
    (along 一起;side 旁邊)
    1. Hank parked his car alongside ours.
    2. Yvonne sat alongside her best friend Janet during the class.
