2010年6月21日 星期一

乾靜城市 行動4R Let's Carre For"R"!!


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2010年3月11日 星期四

» Join Ben Stiller(班 史提勒) for a video tour of the Smithsonian!

Welcome to the Smithsonian Institution,
the world's largest museum complex and research organization composed of 19 museums,
9 research centers, and the National Zoo.

» Join Ben Stiller for a video tour of the Smithsonian!

2009年12月9日 星期三

Studio Classroom- December 9 (Wed.)- [Organizations] Shoes With Soul

【Grammar on the Go】

  • 本日討論例句:Soul of Africa makes this all possible.
  • "to make something possible" means "to cause something to become possible"
  • Use this phrase when you want to explain how someone or something enables something else to happen.
  • ex:
    1. The new law makes it possible for children from low-income families to receive free education.
    2. The alarm system was broken, making it possible for the thief to break into the house.

【Chat Room】

  • Teaching Topic: Different Teams - Team 的不同涵義 ←Click it!!
  • team(v.) up with someone 與某人協力合作
    - to join someone or a group of people to help them do something
  • (players) on a team 隊員(屬於)某隊、某團隊
    - players play on a team
    - When you play on a team or work with others in a group, there must be lots of teamwork.
  • teamwork 團隊精神
    - work together as a team in order to achieve a goal, and in order to do so you need to be a teamplayer
  • teamplayer 有團隊精神的隊員
    - If I am a teamplayer that means I work well with the other players.
    - [比] player 隊員 - anyone on a team is a player
    - You don't have to on a sports team in order to be a teamplayer, this term can be use for those working in any kind of group.

【Language Tips】

  1. stitch v. 用針縫合;繡
    1. Mom stitched my little brother's name on his schoolbag.
    2. I stitched a new button on my trousers after the original one fell off.
    - trouser n. 褲子
    3. It only took the doctor 5 minutes to stitch up my wound.
    - stitch up 縫合
    - wound n. 傷口
  2. unemployed adj.失業的,沒有工作的(例1);n. 失業者(例2)
    (un-否定字首;employed adj. 受雇用的)
    1. Larry has been unemployed for over 6 months now.
    2. The unemployed of the country have become a social problem.
  3. sole n. 腳底,鞋底,襪子的底部
    1. The sole of this shoe needs to be repaired.
    2. There are several holes in the soles of his socks. 襪底有好幾個破洞
    3. The soles of these boots are starting to get worn out
    - get worn out 開始磨損
    - wear, wore, worn, wear.ing, wears v. 磨損,磨破,穿壞,耗損


傷了她 傷了自己 也讓我覺得被利用了

看完簡訊 從小小的難過到給予祝福
能讓你像變了個人似的語氣表達自己的堅定決定 想必真的是段你很珍惜的
雖然總覺得你也欠我一個道歉 但如同你對她說的 我也有錯 我更對不起她
願你堅強自己的意志 除了確認情感 亦擔起該有自己的責任
願上帝賜福予你 添加你勇氣 面對自己 面對感情 面對寂寞 不去逃避卸責

2009年12月1日 星期二



2009年11月16日 星期一

Studio Classroom- November 14- [Animal Tales] The Turning Point 轉捩點

【Chat Room】
  • Teaching Topic:Other Than the Company Yahoo - 非雅虎公司的yahoo ←Click it!!
  • 本文:"Yahoo!" they all cheered.
  • Nowadays when we hear the name "Yahoo", we can think about the website or the American company that runs it, but "yahoo" was acturally an interjection that express "joy"-"Yahoo!" 高聲歡呼
  • An interjection is word that express kind of emotion, like words like "Ouch" or "Wow" are interjections. 感嘆詞
  • similar to "yahoo": "yippee". "hurray"
  • 為何雅虎公司選"yahoo"當作公司名?
    Yahoo Incooperate got it's name from another reference, the founder select the name because they like the word other definition meaning: unsophisticated, and this definition comes from the novel "Gulliver's travels", in that story, there's a group creature call the "Yahoos", and now "Yahoo" when it is a noun, refer to more unsophisticated people.
    是因為創辦人喜歡yahoo在詞典中的另一個定義:不文明的人,來自於一本小說Gulliver's travels(格列弗遊記),書中描述了一種叫作"yahoo"的怪物,後因此書的暢銷,"yahoo"自此有了新的定義,即表示"不文明的人"。

【Language Tips】

  1. call upon v-phr.
    pattern: call upon/call on someone to do something 要求/請求/號召某人作某事
    1. Greg called upon his whole family to help him move.
    2. We are calling upon all students to donate money to help the earthquake survivors.
  2. turn up one's nose [idiom] 把鼻子抬得高高的,意即瞧不起,不屑
    pattern: turn up one's nose at someone
    1. Victor turned up his nose at several job offers and ended up missing out on many good opportunities. (對好幾個公司提出的條件都不屑一顧)
    2. Ray always turns up his nose at fruits and vegetables. He would rather eat junk food.
  3. pig out phr. 大吃大喝,狼吞虎嚥
    (pig, pigged, pigged)
    pattern: pig out on something
    ex: We pigged out on the turkey and pumpkin pie during Thanksgiving dinner.
    - pumpkin pie 南瓜派