2009年7月15日 星期三

Studio Classroom- July 14- [Animal Tales] Bucket of Berries

【Grammar on the Go】
  • 本日討論例句:
    “Now, now,”interrupted the activity chairbear, trying to take control of the situation.
  • “now, now,”並不是 "at this moment" 或 "right now" 之意
  • “now, now,”is a gentle or polite way for a speaker to show that he or she does not accept what someone else saying or doing and would like to encourage a different kind of behavior or response.
  • “now, now,”is usually used in a spoken situation.
  • ex:
    1.“Now, now,”said the teacher, there is no need for any name-calling(罵人) in this classroom.
    2.“Now, now, children, let's be quiet and find our seats for dinner quickly”, said the babysitter.

【Chat Room】

  • 本日討論例句:
    “Now, now,”interrupted the activity chairbear...
  • “now, now,”是一種口語用法,帶著一種譴責,責備的語氣,如小朋友作錯事了,大人就可以說“Now, now,”特別注意它的發音方式!
    - Adults often say this to kids as a way correcting them.
  • Now pay attention. 不等於 Pay attention now.
    - “Now pay attention. ”can also be used to introduced a command.
    - "now"是美國人的口頭禪,可將它放在命令句的句首,變成提示語,用來引起他人注意
    - “Pay attention now”means pay attention at this very moment.
  • “My, my,”= Oh my goodness! = Oh! my. 非常驚訝之意

【Language Tips】

  1. squabble n.(例句2)/v.(例句1) 為小事爭吵,發生口角
    - squabble over/about ~~
    1. The two sisters squabbled about who should take a shower first.
    2. The silly family's squabble became a joke in the neighborhood.
  2. shove n.(例句1)/v.(例句2) 推,撞
    - give someone a shove 推或撞某人一下
    1. Wesley gave his sister a big shove and she fell on the ground.
    2. Everyone was pushing and shoving their way out of the auditerium after the concert.
  3. take advantage of something v.phr. 好好利用某事物(例句1);利用某對象以利己(例句2)
    1. We took advantage of the nice weather and went hiking.
    2. Hank took advantage of Mary's kindness and broke her heart.
