2009年6月23日 星期二

Studio Classroom- June 23- The Picnic

【Grammar on the Go】
  • 今日討論例句:
    So what if it's on someone's plate.
  • so what means"who cares"or"what does it matter"
    = Who cares if it's on someone's plate.
  • ex:
    1. So what if white shoes aren't popular right now. If you like them, wear them.
    2. So what if I have a lot of work to do. I have a family emergency, so I need to leave now.

【Chat Room】

  • 今日討論例句:
    a piece of cake with chocolate frosting / chocolate icing
  • ┌frosting:美國東北部、中西部的北方及美西地區常使用
  • [idiom] icing on the cake
    refering to addtional benefit to something that's already good
    意即 錦上添花,好上加好之意

【Language Tips】

  1. picky adj. 挑剔的,愛吹毛求疵的,過份講究的
    ex: Nancy know how to deal with picky clients.
    ‧picky about~~
    ex: Amanda is picky about what she eats, she only eats gourmet food.(美食)
  2. crummy adj. 品質很差的,劣等的
    ex: The service at this restaruant is crummy, no wonder there aren't many costmers.
  3. disobey v. 不順服,反抗
    (obey 順服)
    n. disobedience
    ex: His disobedience really caused a lot of problems at school.
