2009年6月25日 星期四

Studio Classroom- June 24- American Parties

【Grammar on the Go】
  • 本日討論例句:
    Whatever the reason for the party, people enjoy sharing food and conversation with their friends.
  • “whatever the reason” means“no matter what the reason may be”
    =No matter what the reason may be for the party,.....
  • ex:
    1. Whatever the reason for Dennis' absence, I just hope we have someone else to take his place at work today.
    2. Whatever the reason for going to see movie, viewers of all ages will find the movie entertaining.

【Chat Room】

  • 本日討論重點:“party”的不同的定義
  • political party 政黨
    ├Republican party 共和黨
    └Democratic party 民主黨
  • 指餐廳用餐的一組人
    ‧a party of two 訂位兩人
    ‧I belong to the Mr's Lee's party. (李先生訂位)
    ‧How big is your party? (餐廳服務人員詢問客人)你們共有幾位?
  • [legal usage]法律用詞,指簽署合約時的甲乙方,即關係人,當事人
    ‧injured party 被害者
    ‧third party 第三者
    ‧interested party 利害關係者
    ‧become a party to something(bad thing)參與某件壞事,成為共謀

【Language Tips】

  1. entertain v. 請客,招待,款待(例句1);娛樂(例句2)
    1. Mark and his wife don't entertain much.
    2. Johnny's parents hired a clown to entertain him and his friends.
  2. anniversary n. 週年紀念,週年紀念日
  3. refreshment n. 點心,茶點
    (refresh v. 使精神振奮,使精神恢復,所以使精神振奮的東西就是點心)
    ex: We stopped and had some light refreshments at a caf'e.
