2009年6月22日 星期一

Studio Classroom- June 22- The Picnic

【Chat Room】
  • 本日討論例句:He stepped on his toes. 在本文是個雙關語
  • [idiom] step on one's toes
    ex: Be carreful what you say about her losing weight, don't step on her toes.
    ex: You may ask, will I step on someone's toes if I help with the wedding reception?
  • [idiom] keep someone on their toes
    If you keep someone on their toes, you make sure they continue to give their all attention and energy to what they are supposed to do.

【Language Tips】

  1. call names
    call someone names 意即謾罵某人
  2. whine v. 嘀咕,發牢騷
    ‧whine about~~
  3. gripe v. 發牢騷,抱怨 n. 不滿,牢騷
    ‧gripe about~~
