2009年7月9日 星期四

Studio Classroom- July 8- Moving to America

【Chat Room】
  • 今日討論重點1:
    It could be grounds for immigration.
  • ┌ground:室外的地面
    ├grounds:庭院、建築物週圍的庭院 ex: These are private grounds.
  • (本文)ground:動機,理由
    - the basis or the reason for some action that you want to take
    - ex: grounds for immigration 移民的理由
    - ex: on the grounds for ill health 因病辭職
  • 今日討論重點2:country
  • ┌home country:祖國 -where you are original from
    ├country:國家 - refer to a nation
    └the country:鄉村,鄉下 - means to go outside of city to an area where there are farms or few people

【Grammar on the Go】

  • 本日討論例句:
    The nice thing about starting as a student is that it can give you....a good background to enter the U.S. labor market.
  • sentence pattern: The nice thing about + something + is + something
  • ex:
    1. The nice thing about taking the train is that you can enjoy the beautiful senery along the way.
    2. The nice thing about having the banquet of this restaruant is that the guests can all park for free in the lot nextdoor.

【Language Tips】

  1. permanent adj. 永久的,固定的,持久的
    1. a permanent job 固定的工作
    2. permanent address 永久的地址
    [反意詞] temporary
    ex: The medicine can only provide temporary relief of your pain.
  2. immigrate v. 遷移,移民進入
    (im 進來之意)
    ex: Nick immigrated with his parents from Greece in 1976.
    [反意詞] emigrate v. 移局國外
    ex: Maria and her family emigrated to England in 1952.
  3. persumably adv. 大概,假定,可能
    (v. persume 推測,假設)
    1. This proposal will persumably cause a lot of reaction.
    2. John is late. Persumably he missed the exit on the freeway.
