2009年7月7日 星期二

Studio Classroom- July 7- Fantasy Sports

【Grammar on the Go】
  • 本日討論例句:
    Choose the athletes that have the best statistics and, chances are, you'll win.
  • chances are = it's very possible
  • = Choose the athletes that have the best statistics, and it's very possible you'll win.
  • ex:
    1. You should bring a book with you; chances are you're going to have to wait at airport for a long time.
    2. I've decided to stay home; chances are it's going to rain.

【Chat Room】

  • "league"的不同意義:
  1. league 聯盟
    League of Nations 國際聯盟(20世紀初期的組織)
    Ivy League 常春籐聯盟(由美國東北部最古老的幾所大學所組成)
  2. sports league 體育聯盟
    Major League Baseball 美國職棒大聯盟
  3. 小型社區的社團也可稱"league"
  4. [idiom] out of one's league:字面意義指不屬於某人的項目,意即超過某人的能力範圍
    : A league can refer to a class or catagory, so if someone is out of one's league, then they are doing something they're not prepare for.

【Language Tips】

  1. assemble v. 集合,聚集,收集,招去
    1. All employees were assembled(招去) at the conference hall to attend the meeting.
    2. Over 2000 people assembled(聚集) to welcome the winning team back home.
    3. The research team is assembling(搜集) all necessary data for the project.
  2. determine v. 決定,斷定,常使用被動語態(例句2)
    1. The test results will determine which course level you go to.
    2. The future of the company is determined by the success of their new product.
  3. statistics n. 複數形n. 統計數字;[數]統計學
    1. the statistics of unemployment 失業的統計數字
    2. Statistics show that women live happier lives than men after retirement.
