2009年6月27日 星期六

Studio Classroom- June 27- Studying Abroad

【Chat Room】
  • 本日討論例句:
    [idiom] costs an arm and a leg
    ‧means something is very expensive 貴得要命!
    (something)├pay (someone) an arm and a leg
  • [idiom] cost (someone) a pretty penny
    ‧means something costs someone a lot of money
    ‧penny 雖是指一分錢,但聚沙可成塔,表示所費不貲
  • [idiom] at all costs
    ‧It's a pharse talked about another type of cost, such as time or efforts.
    ‧means you must do something no matter how much efforts is involved
    or you must avoid somthing no matter how much efforts it takes
    ‧at all costs 字面意義是付出任何代價,意即不惜任何代價,無論如何

【Language Tips】

  1. drawback n. 缺點;不利之處;弊端
    (draw v. 拉)
    ex: One of the drawbacks of playing computer games is the lack of real interpersonal relationship.
  2. transition
    n. 轉變,過渡期 ex: Our computer system is in transition right now.
    v. 本文用作動詞
    1. The course's purpose is to train us to transition to a new way of thinking.
    2. He had difficulty transitioning from a follower to th role of a leader.
  3. chew on (動詞片語)
    chew on something 仔細思考或討論某事,是較口語的用法
    ex: Thank you for your proposal, but I need to chew on it before making any decisions.
