2009年6月26日 星期五

Studio Classroom- June 26- Studying Abroad

【Grammar on the Go】
  • 本日討論例句:
    It's one thing to pratice a language, but it's another to study in it.
  • It's one thing to..., but it's another to...
  • ex:
    1. It's one thing to play with an animal, but it's another to own one as a pet.
    2. It's one thing to visit a place, but it's another to live there.

【Chat Room】

  • ┌accommodate v. 遷就,迎合,方便某人
    ├accommodations n. 住宿,旅館的招待設備(如免費早餐、健身房、游泳池)
    ├accommodating adj. 肯通融的;樂於助人的
    └accommodatingly adv. 親切的
  • <比>amenities n. 使生活舒適之物品,包含的範圍較"accommodation"要廣(如住宿、飛機、輪船等)

【Language Tips】

  1. advantageous adj. 有利的,有幫助的
    (advantage n. 優點)
    1. The new policy is advantageous to minorities.
    2. The bank promised to give us an advantageous interest rate.
  2. ┌acquisition n. 習得(例句2),獲得,取得
    └acquire v. 獲得,取得
    1. He spent his whole life on the acquisition of wealth.
    2. The acquisition of one's mother tongue is a natural process.
  3. ┌accordingly adv. 相對應地(例句1);因此,所以(例句2)
    └according adj. 和諧的, 相襯的
    1. Once we receive the notice from your lowyer, we will
    act accordingly.(因應的行動)
    2. Tomy is not feeling well today, the boss sent him to rest accordingly.
  4. ESL:English as a Second Language
