【Chat Room】
- camping-phobe 對露營有恐懼的人
phobia 恐懼症(心理) - acrophobe 懼高症
- commitment-phobe 害怕承諾的人
one who scare of being love, or in a serious relationship.
They think they might get hurt in the end, or just won't work out. - technophobe 對高科技有恐懼的人
- germ-a-phobe 對細菌等有恐懼的人
【Grammar on the Go】
- ※本日例句※
In the world of glamping, antique furniture, personal service and gourmet dining are fairly common.
In the world of ~ :
the world doesn't means plant, it means a few human interests or a way of life. - ex:
1. In the world of sports, soccer is king.
2. In the world of fashion design, trends come and go very quickly.
【Languages Tips】
- conjure up:令人想起
- proximity:不可數名詞。接近,親近,鄰近
(重音在後,p-r-o-x-i 靠近的意思)
ex:Proximity to medical facilities is important to elderly people. - affluent adj. 富裕的,富足的