2009年7月1日 星期三

Studio Classroom- June 30- Watches Tell More Than Time

【Grammar on the Go】
  • 今日討論例句:
    It looks more like a futuristic bracelet than a watch.
  • It looks more like an A than a B.
  • ex:
    1. Sarah's evening gown looks more like a coat than a dress.
    2. The artist's painting looks more lke a child's artwork than a masterpiece.

【Chat Room】

  • handless watch 指沒有指針的錶
  • hands:指針
  • face:錶面 (亦可用於watch)
  • an airplane has a nose
  • a table/chairs/beds has(have) legs
  • a comb has teeth 梳子有梳齒
  • a needle has an eye
  • a bottle has a nack 瓶頸
    ※ bottleneck traffic 交通瓶頸
  • heel:原指腳後跟,亦指一條吐司最末端部份(end piece of a loaf of bread)

【Language Tips】

  1. futuristic adj. 未來主義的;未來感的
    (future n. 未來)
  2. flair n.(單數形) 天份,才華(例句1.2);特殊風格(例句3)
    1. The girl has a flair for writing music.
    2. Samuel has a flair for solving difficult mathematics problems.
    3. The new CEO has certainly got flair.(做事很有自己的一套)
  3. gadget n. 小器件,小器具
    ex: The kitchen gadget can open cans in just a few seconds.
