2009年7月5日 星期日

Studio Classroom- July 4- The Iberian Peninsula

【Chat Room】
  • 與旅遊相關的字詞:
  1. excursion n. 遠足,短途旅行,瀏覽
    ex: go on a excursion 去遠足
  2. off the beaten path:字面意義是:離開一般人常走的路,意指較冷門、不尋常的路線
  3. travel light:打包輕便,不要帶太多東西之意
  4. [idiom] on the fly:原指未落地前的高飛球,而球在空中的時間僅有數秒,因此此片語表示:匆忙的,隨性的
    =spontaneous 自然發生的

【Language Tips】

  1. duty-free adj. 免稅的
    (duty n. 稅,關稅)
    1. She bought many duty-free items on the flight back home.
    2. Hong Kong is the duty-free region.
    3. The company provides duty-free shopping online.
  2. sensational adj. 很棒的,絕妙的,令人興奮的
    (sensation n. 感覺,知覺)
    1. Kevin's sensational convertible attracts a lot of attention. (超炫的新跑車引人注目)
    2. She looked sensational after she lost weight.
  3. destination n. 目的地(例句1-2);目標(例句3)
    1. The destination of this flight is Washington DC.
    2. When we reached our destination we were tired and hungry.
    3. His future destination is becoming a scientist.
