2009年7月3日 星期五

Studio Classroom- July 2- The Iberian Peninsula

【Chat Room】
  • a country has many different cultures:
  • (a country is) multicultural 具有多種文化的
    - If a country or city has people from many different cultures, it just means there are many different cultures represent in one place.
  • diverse 多樣的
    - means a various or different kinds
    culturally diverse 文化多樣的
    - means there are many different cultures in that country
  • (a country is) pluralistic 多元化的
    - "plural" in grammar means more than one -複數
    - means having many parts, we might talk about a pluralistic culture society, which means a society has many different kinds of people with different regions.
    - ex: New York City
  • ethnic group 民族的族群
    - part of a race
    - a ethnic group is a group of people who are in someway connected, maybe they are connected to race or culture or in other ways
    - more about language and custom of a group of people. 擁有自己的語言、習俗的族群
    - [比]race: refering to the color of one skin 種族,不同人種,著眼於膚色、眼睛的顏色,骨骼等
    - ex: 山東人跟廣東人屬於不同的ethnic groups, 但都屬於同一個race

【Language Tips】

  1. peninsula n. 半島
    - a peninsula is a piece of land that is almost completely surrounded by water on three sides.
    [比] island : an island is almost completely surrounded by water on four sides
    1. There's a lighthouse on the peninsula.
    2. Seoul is the largest city on the Korean Peninsula.(朝鮮半島為專有名詞, 所有要大寫)
  2. remainder n. 剩餘的部份,剩餘的人或物
    (remain v. 剩下)
    1. It was sunny for an hour this morning, but the remainder of the day has been rainy.
    2. The remainder of the food was kept in the fridge.
  3. melting pot n. 原為熔化物質用的熔爐,此處指文化或種族融合之處
    (melt v. 溶化;pot n. 鍋子,水壺)
    1. New York City is a melting pot of many races.
    2. Fusion food is a melting pot of cuisines from many cultures. 無國界料理是許多文化料理的融合體(cuisine n. 烹飪)
