2009年6月18日 星期四

Studio Classroom- June 18- Exploring Egypt

【Grammar on the Go】

  • ※本日討論例句※
    You can fill entire days seeing Karnak, the largest religious site in the world.

  • fill entire days seeing... 意即 you can spend a long time seeing...

  • oven used to talked about pleasure activities

  • ex:
    1. You can fill entire days shopping at Turkish Bazaar.
    2. You can fill entire days touring all the famous attrations in Orlando, Florida.

【Chat Room】

  • ancient ex: ancient style of speaking

  • 同意語: out-of-date 過時的
    →means something is not in style or not in use anymore
    →常與"fashion"一起使用 ex: the fashion from 80's is out-of-date(out-of-style)

  • obsolete:廢棄的,淘汰的,不再使用的,常指機器或器具
    →means something is no longer in use
    →If you are talking about with a device, such as telegraph machine, you might say that is obsolete.

  • 相反字:modern:refer to recent time or present

  • up-to-date 現代的,新式的,最新的

  • ancient→past
    modern→recent time

【Language Tips】

  1. column:圓形的柱子,圓柱狀的物品;報紙、雜誌的專欄
    /a/ /x/n不發音

  2. construction:新建、建築、架設

  3. await:等待,期待,意同wait for,但較為正式
    ex: Many challenges await him when he takes over this branch office.
