2009年6月12日 星期五

Studio Classroom- June 12- How Sunburns Work

【Grammar on the Go】
  • ※本日例句※
    Now that we are getting into the thick of summertime activities, sunburn is something that you have to think about.
  • now that = because now / since
  • now that 不一定要擺在句首 , 所以本日例句亦可寫成:
    Sunburn is something that you have to think about, now that we are getting into the thick of summertime activities.
  • ex:
    1. Now that the car is here, let's go ahead and put our things in the trunk.
    2. I don't think I'll go watch the movie, now that I know the end of the song.

【Chat Room】

  • blood vessels
    ├ vein 靜脈
    capiliary 毛細血管
    └ artery 動脈
  • the major arteries of New York City
    arteries: n. 交通幹線

【Language Tips】

  1. get into the thick of
    think adj.厚的;此處作n用, 意為:正激烈,正起勁的時後
  2. penetrate v. 穿透;瀰漫,滲透(如例句)
    ex: The aroma of the lilies penetrated the whole house. 百合花的香味瀰漫整間屋子
  3. sting v. 刺痛,使疼痛;刺傷(心理上)
    (三態 sting stung stung)
