【Grammar on the Go】
- She was just born to sing!
→born to do something means: has a natural ability to do something
→She just has a nature ability to sing. - ex:
- Water spaniels are born to swim.
- John was born to run.
【Chat Room】
- national anthem 國歌
- patriotism n. 愛國情操
- partiotic adj. 愛國的
- civilian n. 平民百姓
- solute v. 敬禮
【Language tips】
- contest n.(重音在第一音節) 競賽,比賽
contest v.(重音在第二音節) 爭取 - audition
n. 招收演員的試鏡
v. 為了某個角色試鏡 audition for~
ex: Tim auditioned for the role of a teacher in the movie. - amaze v. 大為驚奇或讚嘆
常使用被動語態 ~was amazed by~~