【Grammar on the Go】
- 本日討論例句:
That's what uncles are for! - This kind of expression "that's what someone or something is for" is usually said after someone or something's duty or responsibility or function is mentioned or ...
- Such expression is most often found in informal spoken situations.
- ex:
1. If your neighbor is thank you for watching his dog...
You can say: That's what neighbors are for!
2. Maybe you have classmate who is having some trouble at school and need someone to talk to.
You can tell her: You should go talk to one of the teachers at the counseling center. That's what they're for!
【Chat Room】
- Today we're continuing our discussion about the typical day for an American student.
- Q:What students in the America do after school?
A:There are a variety of extracurricular activities.
A:"Extracurricular" means outside the regular curriculum of a school. Students maybe involved in music, sports, drama or other extracurricular activities. Some make a home right after school to work on homework, and do chores around the house, and some high school student have job they must go to after school.
- curriculum 課業,課程
-- extracurricular 超越課業的
--- extracurricular activities 放學後的課外活動 - Q:How do students get their homework done if they're working after school?
A:Most students only work for a few hours after school and they only work a few days a week. - Q:Do many students play sports?
A:Yes, sports are really popular in America and a lot of students are involved in sports. If a high school student is really good at certain sports, he or she can try out for a varsity team.
- try out 參加徵選
- varsity team 校隊
-- Varsity sports team are the principle... team representing in America, ... a high school or university. - Q:Sounds like American students have a lot to keep they busy, what students do once they get home?
A:Well, most students will need to do their homework and then maybe a few chores, then students may eat dinner, hang out with friends, relax, play video games, watch TV, or maybe even read a book.
【Language Tips】
- volunteer v. 自願去作,擔任某種職務
sentence pattern:
1. volunteer for~ 自願參加某團體(例1)
2. volunteer to V. 自願去作~(例2)
1. Carl volunteered for the army during World War II.
2. Gina volunteered to accompany her classmate to the school nurse. - naturally adv. 自然地,天生地(例1.2);(本文)當然地,不用說(例3)
1. Molly is naturally blonde. (天生金髮)
2. Singing comes naturally for Jasmine.
3. Naturally we want our employees to work in a comfortable environment. - locker n. 儲物櫃
(lock 鎖)
1. We put our luggage in a locker at the train station before we started our city tour.
2. locker room 體育館,游泳池,三溫暖中有locker的更衣室