2009年9月7日 星期一

What quality in a friend is most important to you?

What quality in a friend is most important to you?
The letter in the word friend will show you how to choose your friends.

F is for Fun
Choose friends you can have fun with and with whom you can be yourself.

R is for Righteous
Choose friends who will help you make good decisions. Genuine friends want you to become the very best you can be!

I is for Intimate
Close, personal friends know your faults and like you anyway. You should be able to share your hopes, dreams and fears with them.

E is for Encouraging
When you face challenges, friends encourage you to not give up but to do your best. They give you hope and help you look forward to the future.

N is for Near
Good friends won't abandon you during the bad times. You should be able to count on friends to be available when you need them.

D is for Direct
Real friends care enough to tell you what you need to hear. They won't just say what you want to hear.

Since friends can be for life, it's important to choose the best ones!

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