2009年9月5日 星期六

Studio Classroom- September 4- [American Culture Corner] The American School Environment

【Chat Room】
  • Let' s take a look at a typical day for an American student. 看看美國孩子在學校一整天如何度過
    => Let's take a look at the bigger picture.
    --- This just means that I want to look at the student's day in general, and not just a specific part of the day. Let's talk about the many different things they go on during a student day.
    ---- bigger picture 更廣的視野,更大的範圍
  • 首先,上學:
    Q1:What's the typical day like for most of American students?
    A1:Many elementary and junior high school students start their day by riding a school bus. This bus is usaually bright yellow, and it pick each student up at his or her house.
    Q2:How long is a student school day?
    A2:Well, that depends on each school, but most students are in school for probably around 7 hours.
    Q3:Do students in American wear uniforms to school?
    A3:Students have many public schools don't need wear uniforms, however, students have many private schools must wear uniforms, especially those parochial school.
    -- public school 公立學校
    -- private school 私立學校
    -- parochial school 教會學校 : A primary or secondary school supported by a religious organization.
    --- a primary school 初級小學 / a secondary school 中等學校

【Language Tips】

  1. physical adj. 物質的,實質的(例1.2);身體的(例3)
    1. (本文)physical layout 實際的佈局或設計
    2. Inaccurate usage of the gears might cause physical damage to the vehicle.
    3. physical exams 體檢
  2. i'nitially adv. 開始,起初
    1. He was initially just a bus boy who washed dishes, but now he's the owner of a restaurant.
    - bus boy n. 侍者的幫手, 打雜男工
    2. Initially, people had doubts about the new policy, now they accept it.
  3. stay put v-phr. 留在原地不動,不離開
    1. Dad decided to stay put at the caf'e, and we continued shopping.
    2. The little boy wouldn't stay out, so his mom had to follow him around.
