【Chat Room】
- government official 政府官員,如部長、署長、處長、局長
- high-ranking official 高級官員
- [比] officer:
1. policeman, form minister, the environmental minister 軍官,警官
(form a minister 組成內閣)
2. a person in the military who holds position of authority
- any person who is opoinent? or ... to office or charge of certain duties is a government officer. - [比] official adj. 公家的,出自於官方的
1. an official statement 一份正式聲明
2. official document
3. Prime Minister's official residence 總理的官邸
4. official visit to a country 正式訪問某國家
【Language Tips】
- concession n. 租借地(例1);讓步,遷就(例2)
1. You can still find some European buildings in the old British concessions in Hong Kong.
2. Both companies made mutual concessions so the deal can go on. - era n. 時期,年代
1. the era of Great Depression 經濟大蕭條的年代
2. The invention of TVs opened a new era of entertainment. (開啟娛樂的新紀元)
3. The movie tried to recreate the elegant life style of the bygone era. (過去的年代) - attraction n. 吸引力;本文:吸引人的事物或地點
1. The roller-coaster is the most popular attraction in this amusement park.
- the roller-coaster 雲霄飛車
- amusement park 主題樂園
2. Taipei 101 is the main attraction for tourists. (景點)