2009年9月28日 星期一

Studio Classroom- September 15- [Viewpoints] The School Debate

【Chat Room】
  • 本日討論重點:getting good grades
  • grade n. 年級
    - the level you are acted in school or score
    - score 成績,分數(中文:甲、乙、丙、丁;英文:A B C D E)
  • grade v. 打分數,評分 ex: grade papers  / grade tests
  • [注意] 大學以後年級不再用"grade"區分,而是使用"year"
    ex: What year are you? 你現在是大學幾年級?
  • freshman, sophomore, junior, senior:表大一~大四,或高中9~12年級
【Language Tips】
  1. opposite sex 異性  [比] gender 亦指性別(例2)
    1. Oliver is very shy when he meets anyone of the opposite sex.
    2. Please fill in your gender on the application form.
  2. distraction n. 分心;另人分心的事物
    (v. distract 使分心)
    1. Music at the workplace can be a distraction for some people.
    2. The study in my home is a good place go work because it is free from distraction.
    - study 書房
  3. cooperatively adv. 合作地,同心協力地
    (v. cooperate 合作)
    Our class worked cooperatively to finish this science project and won the title at the fair.
    - win the title 得到首獎
