2009年8月7日 星期五

Studio Classroom- August 5- [Profile] Celebrity Chefs

【Chat room】
  • [idiom] wear many hats 兼職,同時兼任不同的職務
    - In this case, "hat" is describing a role, when we say someone wears many hats/wears different hats, it means someone does a work of more than one position or role.
    - This idiom probably comes from the idea people wearing different hats for different accupation. 從事不同職業的人所帶的帽子都不同,如警察,護士
  • Someone who wears a lot of hats may also has his fingers in a lot of pies.
    [idiom] have one's fingers in a lot of pies 表示某人在每件事當中都有份,都想要插上一腳
    - This idiom may think about someone who is tasting a lot of pies, but afterward, the person tasting so many that he can't tell which flavor is which, just like someone who is involved in so many activities that they lose track of what they are doing.

【Language Tips】

  1. philanthropist n. 慈善家,博愛主義者 / philanthropic adj. (重音在第三音節)(例句2)
    1. The orphanage received a generous donation from a wealthy philanthropist.
    - orphanage 孤兒院
    2. an philanthropic organization 慈善機構
  2. showcase v. 展現,展示
    1. The annual music festival will showcase several local bands that have different styles.
    2. The gallery will showcase artwork of modern British artists next month.
  3. at risk (idiom.當形容詞片語來使用) 處於危險中的,受到威脅的
    1. If we don't solve the problem of global warming, our next generaton will be at risk.
    2. The houses in this area are at risk of flooding when the rains are heavy.
    - flooding 洪水
