2009年8月7日 星期五

Studio Classroom- August 6- [Profile] Celebrity Chefs

【Grammar on the Go】
  • 本日討論例句:
    Kwong leaped at the chance to host a TV show, seeing it as a way to express her pride in her Chinese heritage.
  • sentence patten: "seeing" + something + "as a way to" + verb.
    "seeing" means "believeing" or "having an attitude"
    = Kwong leaped at the chance to host a TV show because she believe it is a way to express her pride in her Chinese heritage.
  • Use this phrase when you want to express the purpose of a person's action.
  • ex:
    1. Carrie signed a one-year contract as a nanny in Switzerlan, seeing it as a way to get free housing in Europe.
    2. Tom likes his jobs at the coffee shop, seeing it as a way for him to get free coffee.

【Chat Room】

  • 本日討論重點例句:
    Kwong leaped at the chance to host a TV show,...
  • [idiom] to leap at the chance 當機立斷,掌握住機會
    "To leap at the chance" means to eagerly except the opportunity, this means that Kwong was offered the chance to have her own show and she quickly execpted it, she didn't need anytime to think about it. She knew she wanted it.
    = She jumped at the chance.
    = She jumped at the opportunity.
  • [比] to seize an opportunity
    - "To seize an opportunity" is quite similar to jumped at one, but it often make sence think of even more stronger reaction.
    - "Seize" something means to grap it or to take hold of it. 抓住,握住(某物)
    - In this case, seize means take something with the intention of owning it.
  • Q:What if it's a opportunity that you know you won't have again?
    A:We can call that "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity/chance". 一生中難得再遇到的機會
    A:We can also says is the chance of a lifetime.
  • If someone doesn't hold an opportunity,
    we can use the idiom "pass up"(放棄), it means let it go by without taking it.
    we can use the idiom "turn down"(拒絕), it means to reject it.

【Language Tips】

  1. adamant adj. 堅決的,堅持的
    /e/ 重音在第一音節
    1. I told Janet to leave, but she was adamant about staying to help me.
    2. Henry is adamant that he should be the one who makes the decisions.
  2. additive n. 添加物
    (add 添加,增加)
    1. This kind of juice might be cheaper, but it's full of additives.
    2. The jam's label says: "No chemical additives".
  3. premier adj. 首要的,最好的
    1. She's one of the premier mathematicians in the nation. 首屈一指的數學家
    2. Havard is one of the premier universities of the world. 執牛耳的大學之一
