2009年8月7日 星期五

Studio Classroom- August 4- [American Culture Corner] Fun in the Sun

【Chat Room】
  • sunscreen:防曬乳,screen:指任何隔板,屏障
    = sunblock
    = suntan lotion 有助曬功用,三者差別在於SPF(sun-protection factor)
  • Sunscreen is something that screen out or block the harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun, in order to protect your skin.
  • If you want to get a tan, you might want to put on suntan lotion.
    With a suntan lotion, the emphasis is on getting a tan, some people like to get a tan without getting a sunburn, so they apply suntan lotion on their skin.
  • A sunscreen or sunblock usually has a higher SPF.
  • [比] tanning lotion 仿曬乳,是一種免曬乳液,有人稱之為美黑乳液,只要擦在皮膚上就會呈現古銅色
    While a suntan lotion is used outdoor to help speed-up the tanning process, tanning lotions are used without the add of the sun, you should use it indoors.
    People don't need to go outdoors to look like they have got a suntan, tanning lotions are safe way to go if you want to look tan but you don't want to risk the dangerous of the sun.

【Language Tips】

  1. hit v. 打,碰撞;本文:到達某處
    [hit, hit(p.), hit(p.p.)]
    1. As soon as the sun's up, we'll hit the road. 太陽一升起我們就要上路
    2. When you hit the traffic lights turn right and you'll see the gas station.
  2. expose vt. 使曝露;使接觸(例句2)
    ("ex" 向外之意)
    expose (someone) to... 使(某人)曝露於...
    1. These plants withered because they were over-exposed to the sun.
    - wither v. 枯萎; 凋謝
    2. Parents should not expose their children to the violence on TV or in the movies.
  3. shade n. 陰影
    1. When we went swimming, Grandma read under the shade of the umbrella.
    2. It was so hot outside, we hid in the shade of the trees to stay cool.
    - in the shade of the trees 樹蔭之下
