2009年8月30日 星期日

Studio Classroom- August 24- [Travel] Amazing Asian Airports

【Chat Room】
  • 本日討論重點:long check-in line 長長的報到隊伍
  • check-in counter 報到櫃檯
  • Q:How can we avoid this long check-in line?
  • A:
  1. curbside check-in 路邊報到服務
    - That's where you check-in outside the terminal.
    - Where you get drop off, curbside check-in allow you to check-in right there after you get off the car.
    - One thing you have to remember is you have to tip the skycap.
    -- skycap : 路邊服務人員
  2. kiosks(a self service) 自助報到亭,設於機場大廳,但僅限於隨身攜帶的行李
    - If you traveling light and only have carry-ons then kiosks will be a good way to avoid waiting in lime.
    -- carry-on : 旅客帶入機艙內的隨身手提行
  • ┌v. (人)到機場報到:check in
    v. 托運行李:check ex: Do you have any bag to check?
    └n. 被托運的行李:checked bag
    └[比] carry-on

【Language Tips】

  1. chore n. 家裡的雜事,例行的工作(例句1);(本文)另人討厭或覺得困難的工作(例句2)
    1. Molly has to finish her chores before going out with her friends.
    2. Attending all these meetings is a real chore to me.
  2. satisfaction n. 滿足,滿意:滿意度
    1. Good relationship between co-workers contributes to job satisfaction.
    --contribute to~ 有助於提升~
    2. This car dealership rated first in customer satisfaction last year.
    --dealership n. 經銷商;代理商
  3. layover n. 暫時停留,中途停留
    1. We have a 2-hour layover in L.A. before transferring to Denver.
    2. Charlin took advantage of the layover in Hong Kong and got a haircut at the airport.
