【Grammar on the Go】
- 本日討論例句:
But you're forgetting that there's more to choosing a career than making money. - sentence pattern: there's more to choosing something than something else.
- This pattern is often used when we want to remind people to have a great prospect on something, sometimes it's easy to get... into a narrow way of thinking, when this happens, it's good to be reminded to take a winder point of view and not be so limited in our prospect.
- ex:
1. There's more to being a good student than getting high test scores.
2. There's more to being a pet-owner than giving your animal food and water.
【Chat Room】
- 特別注意以下單字的發音:
need to be careful with the pronunciation of those words:
- decent adj. 像樣的,相當不錯的
ex: a decent lifestyle 舒服的生活
- a very good, comfortable or statisfying lifestyle - descent n. 下降,降落 meaning drop or fall (例1);血統,遺傳(例2)
1. a airplane descent from certain attitude
2. Doris is of German-British descent. 德-英後裔 - dissent v. 不贊同,反對 to dissent means to disagree
ex: I wish to dissent. - the formal way to say you don't agree with something
- highlight n. 最精彩的部份
1. Visiting the Eiffel Tower is one of the highlights of the city tour of Paris.
2. Highlights of the football game will be shown on the evening news. - roll in dough [idiom] (口語用法)很有錢
(dough : 金錢)
1. Herny is now rolling in dough after the successful opening of his own computer company.
2. Betty might be dressed simply, but actually she's rolling in dough. - decent adj. 像樣的,還不錯的,過得去的;正派的(例3)
1. This old lady lives in a decent apartment.
2. The homeless child is now living in decent conditions with his foster family.
--foster family 寄養家庭
3. Eric finally found a decent job.