【Grammar on the Go】
- 本日討論例句:
Meeting can make it difficult for everyone to participate... - sentence structure: to make it difficult/hard for someone to...
- This is a very useful sentence pattern when you want ot talk about how something can lead to a situation where it's hard for someone to do something.
= Metting can become a situation where it's hard for everyone to participate. - Use this sentence pattern "to make it difficult for someone to..." when you want to describe how a challenging situation is because of something else.
- ex:
1. Janice's small income makes it hard for her to pay all her monthly bills.
2. The loud music from the party next door made it hard for Clarence to fall asleep.
【Chat Room】
- 本日討論重點:box
- [idiom] think outside the box 在框架外思考,跳出框框,沒有任何限制,用不同的觀點,天馬行空的想
- box 框架,象徵著社會中的傳統規範、限制
-- This is not a lecture box, the so call box is the settle rules. This is a ... convinction and what everyone expects.
- If you are thinking outside the box, you are using your imagination, instead of thinking of ideas or methods that have ever been used, you should try to think new ones.
- If you are thinking outside the box, then you're being creative and looking for new possibilities. - critical thinking 批判性思考,也就是一種很嚴謹、高層次的思考,這種能力是獨立的且被培養出來的
- means to careful exam something, so if you're using critical thinking then you're putting a lot of efforts into thinking, this type of thinking can involve research and they can ... of ideas.
- Also, this type of thinking helps a person has his or her own opinion about a matter.
【Language Tips】
- resolve v. 解決爭端、問題、危險(例句1);下定決心(例句2)
1. We need to resolve our conflicts so we can really work as a team.
2. Hank resolved that he would walk 2 miles everyday, but he never did. - oversimplify v. 過度的簡化
(over 過度的 / simplify 使簡單化)
oversimplification n.
ex: People often try to oversimplify problems, but in the end, that is not helpful. - advantage n. 好處,優勢
1. One of the advantages of traveling in an RV is the freedom it gives you.
2. Years of experience gave Victor an advantage over his competitors.