2009年8月21日 星期五

Studio Classroom- August 10- [Animal Tales] As Busy as Beavers

【Chat Room】
  • ┌n. advice /aIs/ 建議,指點,忠告 ex: I need your advice.
    └v. advise /aIz/ 建議,指點,忠告 ex: Can you advise me?
  • Is there another words that describe this act of giving advice?
    ‧ ┌counsel 勸告,勸導
    └counseler 提供建議的人,例如夏令營中的輔導員
    ‧ ┌adviser (financial adviser) 較為主動的顧問,提供意見
    └consultant (business consultant) 較為被動,必需主動去請教去諮詢
    ( v. consult)

【Grammar on the Go】

  • 本日討論例句:...after all, Junior, we are beavers!
    - This phrase itself actually have several different meanings, but in the case of today's sentence, it's idiom that means "let's not forget that" .
  • Use this idiom to remind somebody of a certain fact, if it's in the beginning of a sentence, make sure that a "," after the idiom.
  • ex: Let's go out and find something to do. After all, it's only 2pm.
  • This idiom can also be act the end of the sentence, just be sure this is a "," before it.
    ex: There's no need to hurry, we are on vocation, after all.

【Language Tips】

  1. lodge n. (本文)海獺,海貍的巢(例句1):小木屋(例句2)
    1. Father beaver was busy building their lodge while mother beaver took care of the babies.
    2. The couple has a ski lodge they visit every winter.
  2. makeshift adj. 暫時的,臨時的
    1. The Smiths used their garage as their makeshift office.
    2. The makeshift reguee camp is in terrible condition.
    -- reguee camp 難民營
    3. After the earthquake, the church was turned into a makeshift shelter.
  3. gnaw v. 啃,咬(例句1);侵蝕,腐蝕(例句2)
    1. Nathan has a bad habit of gnawing his fingernails.
    2. The salty air gnawed at the plumbing of our beach house.
