2009年8月20日 星期四

Studio Classroom- August 8- [Holidays] A day for Dad

【Chat Room】
  • importance n. / important adj. 重要
    significance n. / significant adj. 更強烈的形容詞,不只描述重要,也有著有意義,具關鍵性影響力的意味
  • ex:
    a matter of great┌ importance
    a matter of great└ significance
    an┌ important discovery / day
    an└ significant
  • There are some other definitions of "significant" we need to aware of:
  1. a significant increase 顯著的增加
    - We are talking about a very large amount or quantity.
  2. "significant" can also means expressive or suggestsive 具有某種暗示的
    ex: a significant gesture 有暗示性的手勢
  3. a significant other 你的伴侶,你的最愛,你的另一半,是現在很流行的用語
    - "A significant other" is a person you love who is important to you, it usually refers to the person you share a long term relationship with, it maybe your wife or your husband, boyfriend or girlfriend.

【Language Tips】

  1. gesture n. 表示友好的動作;手勢,姿勢(例句3)
    1. Hugging is a gesture of friendship in many western cultures,
    2. A toast from the host is considered a gesture of respect.
    -- toast 主人敬酒
    3. The native here communicate with us through gestures.
    -- the native 原住民
  2. orphanage n. 孤兒院,育幼院
    orphan n. 孤兒(例句2)
    1. The orphanage is in desperate need of more funds so it can continue to operate.
    --be in desperate need of... 對於...有急迫的需要
    2. Many orphans in Vietnam were adopted by Americans after the Vietnam War.
  3. regarding prep. 有關於某件事或某人
    1. Regarding the annual budget, the accounting department will give us a full report.
    2. The teacher called and said that he needed to discuss some matters regarding my son.
