2009年7月29日 星期三

Studio Classroom- July 29- [How Stuff Works] How Sharks Work

【Chat Room】
  • 本日討論重點例句:
    tubes pick up the pressure changes
    →pick up means to sense or detect 查覺,感應到
  • pick up有多種意義,如下:
  1. picking up a bad habit
    →pick up meaning to learn naturally 很容易學會,有學習的天份之意
  2. pick up some milk
    →pick up means to buy something 購買
    ex: Can you pick up some milk for me?
  3. pick up someone 接某人
    [反意] drop someone off 讓某人下車
  4. picked up by the police
    →pick up means arrest someone 被逮捕
  5. a car or a train and any kinds of vehicle might pick up speed.
    →pick up means to increase speed 加速
  • pickup n.
    - refering to a pickup trunk 載貨用的小貨車

【Language Tips】

  1. murky adj. 暗的,含糊的,陰鬱的;黑暗的,複雜的(例句3)
    1. The water in the river became murky and dirty after the typhoon.(河水變得既混沌又骯髒)
    2. The criminal was chained in a murky dangeon.(黑暗的地牢)
    3. She wants to forget about her murky past and move on.
  2. prey n./v. 獵物(人/物)
    1. The eagle swooped down and caught its prey.
    2. The thief is looking for his next prey.
    3. prey on 獵取某對象 ex: wolves prey on habbits.
  3. home in phr.v.
    home in on someone or something 瞄準某對象(例句1);針對某事物(例句2)
    1. The fighter plane homed in on a tank on the ground.
    2. Our discussion should home in on the solution to the problem.
