2009年7月29日 星期三

Studio Classroom- July 28- [How Stuff Works] How Sharks Work

【Grammar on the Go】
  • 本日討論例句:
    But that is something of an illusion.
  • "something of a" is an idiom that means: "to some extent" or "in some ways"
    = But that is in some ways an illusion.
  • We use this idiom when we want to describe how a piece of information about someone or something is kind of true.
  • ex:
    1. Althrough the performance was meant to be a high-class production, in the end, it turned out to become something of a joke.
    2. Ernesto enjoys being funny; he is something of a class clown.

【Chat Room】

  • 本日討論重點例句:
    The summer beach season is prime time for shark attacks. 最有可能發生鯊魚攻擊的季節
  • "prime time" 是電視的黃金時段,一般指的是7:oo PM~10:00 PM
  • [比] high time:時機成熟之時,應立即作某事的時刻
    ex: It's high time for us to go. 我們該走了

【Language Tips】

  1. prime adj. 主要的,首要的
    prime time 最黃金的時段
    1. Housewives are our prime customers.
    2. The prime time of restaurants is between 6:30PM and 8:30PM.
    3. The Oscars will be broadcast during prime time.
  2. maneuverability n. 機動性,操控的靈巧性
    (重音在b / maneuver v. 巧妙的操縱)
    1. Power-steering(動力方向盤) improves the maneuverability of a car.
  3. edge n. 邊緣;本文中指優勢,優越的條件,為不可數n.
    1. Because of his language skills, he has an edge over the other applicants. 他比其它求職者具有優勢
    2. Her years of experience gave her an extra edge in the field.
