2009年7月30日 星期四

Studio Classroom- July 30- [Viewpoints] How Much Should You Spend on Your Pet?

【Chat Room】
  • be in favor of=in support of something (ex: spending a lot of money on pets)
  • be set against something
  • Do we often see this comparison between opposing something and supporting something?
    Yes, we often see this in the debates.
  • debate n./v. 辯論(會)
  • "支持"與"反對"某事物亦可用"for/against"來表示
    ex: This team is for/against global warming. 贊成/反對全球暖化的論點

【Language Tips】

  1. transplant n. 移植
    (trans- 此字首有轉移之意;-plant 此字根有種植之意)
    1. The doctor specializes in kidney transplant surgeries.(腎臟移植手術)
    2. His body rejected the liver transplant.(排斥移植的肝臟)
  2. out'rageous adj. 令人吃驚的;讓人無法忍受的
    ('outrage v. 引起議憤)
    ex: It's outrageous that people waste so much food while many people are starving in underdeveloped countries.
  3. span n. 一段期間
    1. The life span of a butterfly is only a few days.
    - the life span 生命週期
    2. The attention span of children of this age is about 30 minutes.
    - the attention span 注意力集中的時間
