2009年7月23日 星期四

Studio Classroom- July 21- [Technology] The Final Mile

【Chat Room】
  • Q:Can we call the "final mile" the " final stretch" ?
    A:It depends on how you use it, in our lesson, the "final mile" refers to the final lag of the delivery internet connection to customers who live in remote places, but if you are running a marathon, you can certainly call the "final mile" the "final stretch".
    Q:So, a stretch is the stretch section of a track or a race cross?
    A:That's right, but we can also use the final stretch fingeratively, if a women is eight-months pregnant, we can say that she is in the final stretch of a pregnancy.
  • stretch 可指運動場跑道直線的部份,所以the final stretch 就是指近終點的直線跑道,延伸出來的意義便指的是最後階段
  • final stretch of the pregnancy 懷胎八月的婦女就是在懷孕的最後階段
  • the eleventh hour 最後時刻,常用來形容截止前的時刻
    - refers to the time that's right before the deadline, there are twleve hours on the clock, the eleventh hour is the hour before the last hour.

【Language Tips】

  1. sparsely adv. 稀少地,稀疏地
    1. This sparsely populated area has no free way.
    2. Dave just moved here, so his house is still sparsely furnished(空蕩蕩的沒什麼家具).
  2. justify v. 證明某件事是正當的(例句1);有充份理由的(例句2)
    (just 公平的,公易的)
    1. Higher productivity can justify the cost of purchasing new machines.
    2. No matter the reasons, you cannot justify your rudeness toward your parnets,
  3. blisteringly adv. 極度地,大部份用來修飾adj.adv.
    (blistering adj. 極快的,極高的)
    1. The car raced by blisteringly fast. 急速的通過
    2. No one can work in such blisteringly harsh weather conditions(極度惡劣的天氣).
    3. Time went by blisteringly fast.
