2009年7月23日 星期四

Studio Classroom- July 22- [Science] Get Ready for Unusual Darkness!

【Chat Room】
  • some moon idioms:
  • once in a blue moon 很難得的,千載難逢的
    - A blue moon is a rare occurs, so this idiom means a long period of time or rarely.
  • reach for the moon 試圖作某件很困難,幾乎不可能完成的事
    =reach for the star
    - means you try to achieve something that is very difficult.
  • ask for the moon 作出不實際的要求
    - want something that is not possible
  • promise you the moon 作出不實際的許諾
    - promise something impossible

【Grammar on the Go】

  • 本日討論例句:
    The route... will start in India and cut through Nepal, Bang ladesh, Bhutan...
    It will the cross Japan's Ryukyu Islands and curve southest through Pacific Ocean.
  • note the verb in this two sentences:
    start, cut through, cross, and curve
    rather than just say "go through"
  • Tips: When you doing creative writing, and you need to describe a road or a river and where it goes, consider use verbs such as the one just mentioned.
  • Of course, there are other words you can use:
    zigzags, hugs, loops, snakes, winds
  • ex:
    1. A road could zigzag its way through the forest.
    2. A river can snake its way through the hills.
    3. A path can hug the base of a mountain.
  • Even through a road or a river isn't really alive, you can certainly make writing more interesting by using such the descriptive words.

【Language Tips】

  1. eclipse n./v.(例句2) 蝕
    日蝕:solar eclipse
    月蝕:lunar eclipse
    1. This Saturday there will be a total eclipse of the sun.
    - a total eclipse of the sun 日全蝕
    - a partial eclipse of the sun 日偏蝕
    2. The moon will be partially eclipsed this Friday night.
  2. orbit n./v.(例句3) 軌道
    1. The satellite was successfully launched into the orbit of Mars.
    - satellite 人造衛星
    - launch into 發射進入
    2. The spacecraft will be in orbit around the moon at 16:00.
    3. The shuttle is orbiting around the earth right now.
    - orbit around the earth 繞著地球在轉
  3. line up phr. 排成一列,排隊
    1. The teacher told the kids to line up before leaving the classroom.
    2. The librarian is lining up the books in alphabetical order on the selves.
