2009年7月22日 星期三

Studio Classroom- July 20- [Technology] The Final Mile

【Grammar on the Go】
  • 本日討論例句:
    Most of us are accustomed to a broadband Internet connection to the point of taking it for granted.
  • "to the point of" means "to the level of" or "to the degree of"
    Use this phrase to point out when you want to talk about the degree of an action or situation.
  • Q: How much are we accustomed to a broadband internet connect?
    A: ...to the point of taking it for granted.
  • ex:
    1. The travelers were tired to the point of collapsing.
    2. Sandra was mad to the point of not being able to say anything at al.

【Chat Room】

  • ┌backcountry:偏僻,未開發地區
  • 上列兩字意義相似,但涵意不同,
  • The term"wilderness" inplies more the condition, where as "backcountry" more to the position.
  • The term "backcountry" is an actural place or location where only few people live and where there is little development, but when we use the term "wilderness" , we are inplying that is untounched.
  • So, not every "backcountry" is "wilderness", but "wilderness" can exist in the "backcountry".
  • [比] the outback:亦指偏僻未開發地區,但指的是澳洲的內地

【Language tips】

  1. operative adj. 重要的,關鍵的
    (operate v. 操作,運作)
    本文中的"operative word" 是指一段話或一個句子中最關鍵的字
    ex: When she was employed with the company she made a lot of money, "Was" is the operative word here, because she just fired last month.
  2. sputter v. 發出喀喀的聲音,發出霹哩趴啦的聲音(例句1);結巴的說,慌亂的說話(例句2)
    1. The air-conditioner sputtered for a while and then completely shut down.
    2. After he heard the news , he sputtered incoherently in a rage.
    - sputtered incoherently in a rage 在盛怒中講話語無倫次
    - incoherent adj. 無條理的, 沒有邏輯性的
  3. catch n. 問題,陷阱
    1. The price of the house is way too cheap. There must be a catch to it somewhere.
    2. The salary of this job is great, but the catch is that you have to work night shifts.
