2009年8月2日 星期日

Studio Classroom- July 31- [Viewpoints] How Much Should You Spend on Your Pet?

【Grammar on the Go】
  • 本日討論例句:
    Talk about ridiculous!
  • In informal spoken situation, this phrase "talk about" means: regarding what just mentioned that is...
    = Whatever was just mentioned is ridiculous.
  • We use this phrase "talk about + description" when we want to confirm or emphasize a description or impression.
  • ex:
    1. Stuart lives a block away from his office, but he always rides his scooter to work. Talk about lazy!
    2. Terry had overslept but was still able to get to the airport in time to catch his flight. Talk about lucky!

【Chat Room】

  • ┌companion:同伴,配偶也是同伴
    - usually refers to a close friend or a mate
  • mate / spouse:配偶;對澳洲人而言,mate就是指朋友,而沒有配偶的意義
    - A mate can be a friend, especially when you talk to an Australian, but a mate is also a husband and wife.
  • Q: What would you call someone who is not a close friend?
    A: We can call that person an "acquaintance".
  • ┌acquaintance:認識但並不是朋友
  • └associate:同事、朋友
    - refer someone that we work with
    - An associate can be an acquaintance, actually, the two words has similar meaning, we usually use the word "associate" to refer someone that we work with, but sometimes you may have a strong relationship with an associate than an acquaintance.
  • n. associate
    n. a/拉長s I/
    v. to associate with someone:與某人有往來,有接觸
    v. to ass/sI/
    - One common meaning of this usage is to spend time with someone.
    ex: If I associate with my co-worker after work, then this means that I spend time with co-worker after work.
    = You associate with your associate.
    = You v. /拉長s I/with yo n. /sI/

【Language Tips】

  1. discretionary adj.可任意支配的
    (discretion n. 自己決定的自由)
    1. The CEO of our company has a discretionary grant to encourage those who work hard.
    2. Judges have discretionary power to decide one's future.
  2. jeopardize v. 危及某個對象,使某對象陷入危機
    1. The rushed decision to expand jeopardized the company's finaces. 過度倉促的決定擴充使的公司的財務陷入危機
    2. Overworking can jeopardize you health.
  3. conviction n. 信念,堅信
    1. It's Larry's conviction that only money can make him happy. 堅信只有金錢可以...
    2. Patricia has strong religious convictions. 堅定的宗教信仰
    3. The women's conviction to be a good mother is unshakable. 當個好媽媽的決心非常堅定
