2009年8月2日 星期日

Studio Classroom- August 1- [Tips For Living] Cool Ideas for Hot Weather

【Grammar on the Go】
  • 本日討論例句:
    Try a few of these fun ideas, and you'll cool off in no time.
  • "In no time" is an idiom means "almost immediately" or "very quickly", so quickly is as no time pass by.
  • Use this idiom when you want to talk about how fast something is going to happen.
  • ex:
    1. If you take the subway, you'll get to the train station in no time.
    2. If we all work together, we can get the house chores done in no time.
    - chore(s) 家中的雜務

【Chat Room】

  • cool
    ‧v. 使東西變涼,冷卻;冷靜(如例句) -to become less warm or become calmer
    ex: Hey, cool it! 冷靜下來,別鬧了!(俚語)
    - It is an informal way to tell someone to calm down.
  • cool off : can means calm down or become less angry, but in our lesson, "cool off" simply means to become less warm.
  • prep. 介系詞"off"可用在許多片語(idioms):
    ‧doze off: to fall asleep 睡著,打盹
    ‧put off: to delay 擔擱,延宕
    ‧rip (someone) off: to cheat someone 敲某人竹槓
    get rip off: 被敲竹槓 ex: You should make sure that you don't get rip off.

【Language Tips】

  1. beat n. 打,敲擊;(本文)打敗,勝過
    (beat, beat(p.), beaten(p.p.))
    1. For Josh, playing on-line game always beats other kinds of entertainment.
    2. Our swimming team beat(p.) their opponents and won the championship.
  2. evaporate v. 蒸發(例句1);消失,不復存在(例句2)
    (vapor n. 水蒸氣)
    1. Alcohol added to syrup makes it evaporate easily.
    2. Enthusiasm for learning can quickly evaporate if a teacher keeps criticizing his or her students.
  3. absorb v. 吸收(例句1);學習,吸收知識(例句2)
    1. The medicine can be absorbed by the body in just 20 minutes.
    2. Students absorb what is being taught better if they participate in a related activity.
