2009年8月31日 星期一

Studio Classroom- August 31- [Technology] The Netbook Revolution

【Chat Room】

  • 本日討論重點單字:netbook / hardcover
    - We are not talking about a real book, but a very small notebook computer.
  • a hardcover book: 硬皮書,即精裝本
    - A hardcover book is also refer to handback or hardbound.
  • The opposite of a hardcover book is paperback.
  • Q:Why does some books first come out in a hardcover edition, and later we see the same book out in a paperback edition?
    A:If the publisher and... book to sale really well, it will usually release a hardcover edition first, and then a year or so later release the cheaper paperback edition, public authors will usually see their books publish in hardcover.
  • jacket:書封面的護套
    - If you pick up a hardcover book, there is a paper covering called the jacket.
    1. blurb / a summary of the book 書的簡介,即摺疊在封面背面的那一截
    2. the back folder of the part is a brief introduction of the author 摺疊在封底背面的那一截是作者的簡介
    3. the back fo the jacket 在封底上,出版社會引用些書評的評論作為該書的推薦廣告

【Grammar on the Go】

  • 本日討論重點例句:
    Trough it all, the Eee PC has continued to evolve and improve.
  • "trough it all" is a expression means: "from the beginning until now or until the end" or "through everything"
  • Use this expression when you want to show how a situation is the way it is or how it turn out the way it has through a process.
  • ex:
    1. Even though Sam's job at the grocery store was a tough one, throuth it all, he learned a lot about teamwork.
    2. Even though the research was hard, through it all, the scientist has never thought of giving up.

【Language Tips】

  1. naysayer n. 習慣性持反對意見的人
    1. Regardless what the naysayer said Tim decided to go for the new project.
    2. Chunk ignored the naysayers and finally succeeded.
  2. navigate v. 駕駛,航行
    (navi- 船)
    1. The modern equipment can navigate the ship automatically. (自動導航)
    2. The new software can help you navigate the internet faster.
  3. catch off guard
    (catch 抓;off guard 沒有防備) (catch / pp. caught / pt. caught)
    sentence pattern: catch someone or something off guard 讓對方很驚訝或措手不及
    ex: The district attorney's question really caught the defendant off guard.
    - district attorney 檢查官
    - defendant 被告
