2009年8月30日 星期日

Studio Classroom- August 27- [Ask The Expert] Five-Diamond Hotels

【Chat Room】
  • 本日討論例句:
    If a traveler has found a particular rating system useful in the past,
    they should look for a hotel that meets the standards of that system.
  • Q:為什麼a traveler : a singular noun 單數名詞 卻使用 they 複數的代名詞呢?
    A:It's not a really mistake in this content, because he is talking, technically we should correct that person, but in reality that help people talk.
    Q:Then, can we do that in writing?
    A:Not in formal academic writing. No, the rule is that plural noun that follow a noun must agree with it, and in writing you need follow that rule.
    Here let the readers can see that when people talk, sometimes those rules are not always follow.
    It will be more cirrect to say:
    ┌If a traveler..., he or she...
    └If travelers..., they...
  • 在英文中,正式用法與口語用法往往有些衝突,在口語中,用"they"取代累贅的"he or she"是允許的,而且也常聽到這種用法在美國人的日常會話中,只是在寫正式文章的時後,就應該避免。

【Langage Tips】

  1. amenity n. 休閒設施
    1. The amenities of the resort inclued a jacuzzi, pool, and gym, and miniature golf course.
    2. The town's amenities need a lot of improvement.
  2. exclusive adj. 專用的,獨有的(例1.2);高級的,豪華的(例3)
    1. This room is for the exclusive use of our VIPs.
    2. This parking space is for the exclusive use of the president.
    3. The tuition of this exclusive boarding school is twice my father's annual salary.
    --tuition 學費
    --boarding school 住宿學校
  3. encompass v. 包含,包括
    1. His book collection encompasses works of many authors, even foreign ones.
    2. The entrance exam will encompass all subjects.
