2009年11月11日 星期三

Studio Classroom- November 11- [Careers] Coping With a Job You Hate

【Grammar on the Go】

  • 本日討論例句:
    Use your time to make yourself a better candidate down the road.
  • "down the road" is an idiom that means: "in the future" or "at a later time"
    = Use your time to make yourself a better candidate in the future.
  • This idiom comes from the idea that if we did see life as a journey which were traveling on a road, then we will be somewhere down the road in the future.
  • This is a very common expression that we can use to talk about plans or events of a later time.
  • ex:
    1. Jim doesn't want to have a girlfriend right now, but does want to find a wife later.
    We can say: Although Jim isn't interested in dating right now, he does want to get married down the road.
    2. Stella has been teaching for five years, but she is thinking change job later.
    We can say: Stella has been teaching for five years, but she thinks she might change careers somewhere down the road.

【Chat Room】

  1. (someone) look/feel down: 顯得很低沉,沮喪
    - appear a little sad or unhappy
  2. down the road(本文): 未來
    - in the future
    - ex: You must be thinking hard of something down the road.
  3. (be) hands down 毫無疑問的,明確的
    - certainly without dispute
    - ex: Jim is hands down the best student in class.
  4. be down
    - ex: Don't you be down, be a courage.

【Language Tips】

  1. yearn v. 思念,渴望,嚮往
    pattern: yearn for something
    1. Depite his success as a star, he still yearns for his parent's approval.
    2. Patricia yearns for a quiet vacation by the lake with her husband.
  2. blow off steam [idiom] 紓解壓力
    (blow v. 吹;steam 原意指蒸氣,延伸意義為壓力)
    1. Rita usually goes biking to blow off steam.
    2. Don't take it personally when Tom acts like that. He's just blowing off some steam.
    - do not take it personally 不要認為是在針對你
  3. unwind v. 鬆開,放鬆
    (wind v. 轉緊) (unwind, unwound, unwound)
    1. The nurse gently unwound the patient's bandages(繃帶).
    2. Listening to music helps me unwind after a long hard day.
  4. cope : means to handle a difficult situation with success.
