2009年9月9日 星期三

Studio Classroom- September 7- [Sports] The Summer Deaflympics

【Chat Room】

  • Let's take a look at some negative prefixes.
    - negative prefix 帶有否定含意的字首
  • The most common negative prefixes in English are: in-, un-, non- and anti-
  • Q: How do you know which one to use?
    A: Well, there are some general guideline and some history.
  1. Simply speaking "in-" is usually used when the English word is come from Latin. Like inaccurate or intolerant.
  2. "un-" usually proceed most other adjectives, including the Latin words that ending in "ed", like undiluted.
    幾乎所有否定adj.都是用"un-"作為字首,例如:unhappy, unkind
  3. When using "un-" before a verb, it just means to undo something.
    You do something and if you want to reverse it, you undo it.
    Also, sometimes if you use "in-" versus "un-", you change the meaning.
    ex: inhuman means ... 無情的,冷酷的, unhuman means nonhaving human qualities or have more human qualities, like be superman. (非人類的超人)
    un- 也可比用在動詞,表示解除的意思,但需特別注意的是,同一字可用不同的否定字首表示不同意義
  4. "non-" is the ... of the negative prefixes, and can come before almost any word, however, it often contrast with "in-" or "un-", because it does not show the opposite end of the skill, but something that is not majored. 使用最廣泛的否定字首
    nonscientific is concerned with the fill other than science. 非科學的
    unscientific means something is not done using scientific preciples. 沒有科學根據的
  5. "anti-": which just means "against", like antiwar means against the war. 反對~

【Language Tips】

  1. disability n. 失能,殘疾
    (dis- 離開;ability 能力)
    1. Jason was diagnosed with having a learning disability.
    - be diagnosed with~ 被診斷出
    - learning disability 學習障礙
    2. Even though Lily only has one arm, she refuses to let her physical disability limit her future.
  2. orient n. 原指東方;本文作v.用,表使適應,按照某對象來調整
    1. The manufactures need to orient their products toward the needs of customers.
    2. The new family-oriented film has done well at the box office.
    - family-oriented 以家庭為訴求對象
    - do well at the box office 票房很好
  3. discard v. 丟棄,拋棄
    1. Greg decided to discard his busy city life to live in the quiet country.
    2. Discard any containers with liquid over 100CCs before entering the airport.
