Do hard things emphasize that trying and failing is better than not trying at all.
Because the goal is growth, failure is acceptable.
【Grammar on the Go】- 本日討論例句:
But this summer, just like the last two, the boys have taken their message on the road. - In the case of today's sentence, "on the road" is acturally an idiom that means: traveling.
= The boys are going to be traveling around with their message this summer. - Use this idiom when you want to talk about how someone is going to be traveling for a long period of time.
- ex:
1. The band will be on the road for three months doing concerts in different cities.
2. The drama team will be taking the show on the road to different schools in the state.
【Chat Room】
- sophomore
- a second year college of university student / a second year highschool student 大學/高中二年級學生
- n. & adj. - I can call someone a sophomore(n.) and I can also say my second year highschool was my sophomore(adj.) year. - 在美國高中是四年制,所以sophomore在台灣是指高一 = teens grade 10年級
[比] freshman 9年級;junior 11年級;senior 12年級 - You might also hear the word "sophomore" used to describe someone who is in the second year of any activity. 在企業、球隊或任何領域有2年經驗的人
a sophomore attorney(律師)
a sophomore on Wall Street
a sophomore in the NBA - Sophomore can also refer to the second version, the second effort or the second attent(?). 第二個;第二次
a sophomore album: a singer's second album
a director's sophomore effort: the director's second movie
- effort n. 努力的成果, 作品 - sophomoric adj.
- Which describes someone or something that shows immuturity or silliness or lack of judgement.
大學或高中的二年級學生的;衍生意義為幼稚而自大的,自命不凡的,一知半解的, 傲慢的
ex: The young man's sophomoric sense of humor ... his co-workers.
【Language Tips】
- emerge v. 出現,顯露出來(例1.2);脫穎而出(例3)
1. More and more problems emerged as the economy sunk into recession.
2. The submarine emerged from the water.
3. The singer emerged on the well-known TV talent show. - collaboration n. 合作 / v. collaborate(例3)
1. The two departments worked in close collaboration on the high-profile case.
- the high-profile case 相當受到重視的案子
2. The building is the result of the collaboration of two of the nation's top architects.
3. The two directors collaborated and created a successful film. - conference n. 會議(較meeting正式,且時間較長)
- conference on~ 有關~的會議
ex: The association held a conference on the usage of educational computer software.