【Chat Room】
- 上床,就寢
┌ hit the sack
- sack/hay: 帆布,麻布製的大袋子,裡頭裝滿hay-乾草
└ hit the hay
- ex: It's time to hit the hay. - a power nap 像充電一樣的睡眠,使恢復活力,提高工作效率
- a power nap gives you "power" or energy, like quickly charging buttery.
【Language Tips】
- earn one's keep 賺自己的生活費
(earn 賺取;keep 生活費)
≠ earn a living 以此來謀生
She babysits her neighbor's kids to earn her keep. - trot v. 小跑,急行 (trot/trotted/trotted, trotting)
1. The horse was trotting through the woods.
2. We trotted along the beach, while walking our dog. - bellow v. 動物大聲吼叫或嘶吼
[比] below prep. 在什麼之下
1. The horse bellowed and started to run wildly.
- run wildly 狂奔
2. You can hear the sergeant bellowing at the rookies.
- sergeant n. (美國軍隊) 士官的階級;士官長 [比] sur.geon n. 外科醫生
- rookie n. 新兵, 新徵募的兵