2009年7月15日 星期三

Studio Classroom- July 15- [Sports] The 2009 World Games

【Chat Room】
  • 本日討論重點例句:
    ..., the differences between the two competitions are what really set the World Games apart.
  • 有關set的幾個易混的片語:
  • set apart:使某物顯得突出,與眾不同
    - to be different from or distinguishable from
    - ex: Her good looks set her apart from her classmates.
  • set aside:放在一邊,擱置在一旁
    - to reserve something, perhaps later
    - ex: set aside some money for rainy day 存錢以備不時之需
  • set about:著手,開始之意
    - to start, to begin
    - ex: It all depends on how you set about it.

【Language Tips】

  1. converge v. 聚集,集合
    1. Medical professionals converged on the conference to exchange ideas.
    2. Many residents(居民) converged outside of the community center to protest(抗議) the meeting.
  2. venue n. 事情發生或集合的地點
    1. The Hyatt Hotel, the venue for the film festival, is fully packed this week.
    2. The school's gumnasium(體育館) is an ideal venue for our basketball competition.
  3. eligible adj. 合格的,符合條件的
    - eligible for~ 符合某職務或機會
    ----ex: Ricky is nearsighted(近視) , so he's not eligible for the air force.
    - eligible to~ 合格去作某事
    ----ex: Susan already got her credentials(執照) , so she is eligible to teach now.
